A treatment approach, consisting of specific exercises and modalities, to accomplish objective, functional goals relating toaninjury or post operative condition. Physical therapy treatment may help improve the following dysfunctions: Knee, foot low back, shoulder and neck pain, strains and sprains, muscle, tendon and ligament tears, arthritis, bursitis,tendonitis,joint inflammation, fractures and breaks. Physical therapy may also improve functional deficits(lifting, carrying, walking, pushing/pulling, dressing, bathing, reaching), headaches, endurance issues, ambulation difficulties and sports-related injuries mail@melwoodrehab.com

Clinical Organizations

  1. American Occupational Therapy Association

  2. American Physical Therapy Association

  3. American Society of Hand Therapists

  4. American Sports Medicine Institute

  5. National Athletic Trainers' Association

  6. National Strength and Conditioning Association

  7. Orthopedic Section of the APTA

Consumer Resources

  1. American Council on Exercise

  2. American Heart Association

  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Physical Activity for Everyone page)

  4. National Institutes of Health

  5. The President's Challenge

WorkStrategies® Resources

  1. Case Management Society of America

  2. Risk&Insurance

  3. OWCP - Division of Federal Employees

  4. Workers' Compensation Research Institute

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